
Lets a component automatically or explicitly configure itself for dark backgrounds
Mountain lake Terraced farm Winter trees Forest river Red panda
Demo: This carousel responds to your OS dark mode preference


Purpose: Lets a component automatically or explicitly configure itself for dark backgrounds.

This mixin works at the beginning of the Elix render pipeline:

eventssetState → render DOM → post-render

Expects the component to provide:

  • setState method compatible with ReactiveMixin's setState.

Provides the component with:

  • dark property that is true if the component should show its dark mode, false if not.
  • detectDarkMode property. If "auto" (the default), the component should set dark automatically on a dark background.
  • Tracking of the current state of the prefers-color-scheme CSS media feature.


import ReactiveElement from "elix/src/core/ReactiveElement.js";
import DarkModeMixin from "elix/src/base/DarkModeMixin.js";
class MyElement extends DarkModeMixin(ReactiveElement) {}

By default, a component using DarkModeMixin will set its dark property if the component is added to a container with a dark background. The mixin considers any color with a HSL luminance value less than 50% to be dark, otherwise the color is considered to be light.

You can make a component instance responsive to the standard prefers-color-scheme CSS media feature. Define a CSS rule of the component instance or a container element (like body) that sets the background color based on prefers-color-scheme:

body {
  background: white;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  body {
    background: black;

The component will detect the initial background color and set dark if its on a dark background. If the user changes their OS color scheme preference, the component will detect that and recalculate dark from the new background color.

DarkModeMixin does not respond to changes in background color that happen for other reasons.


These two PlainCarousel components are generally identical, except that the second has been given a dark background color, and will default to dark mode:

Mountain lake Terraced farm Winter trees Forest river Red panda Mountain lake Terraced farm Winter trees Forest river Red panda
Demo: The second carousel is on a dark background, so automatically takes on dark mode

Since the second carousel defaults to dark mode, its interior PlainArrowDirectionButton and PlainPageDot elements will be set for dark mode. This entails using light foreground colors in all element states, including disabled, hover, and selected states.


Used by classes PlainArrowDirectionButton, PlainCalendarMonthNavigator, PlainCarousel, PlainCarouselSlideshow, PlainCarouselWithThumbnails, and PlainPageDot.

dark property

True if the component should configure itself for display on a dark background; false if the component should assume a light background.

The default value of this property is inferred when the component is initially added to the page. The component will look up its hierarchy for an ancestor that has an explicit background color. If the color's lightness value in the HSL cylindrical-coordinate system is below 50%, the background is assumed to be dark and dark will default to true. If the color is lighter than that, or no explicit background color can be found, the default value of dark will be false.

Type: boolean

detectDarkMode property

Determines whether the component should automatially try to detect whether it should apply dark mode.

Type: 'auto'|'off'

Default: 'auto'