Purpose: Delegates a component's focus to its first focusable shadow element
This mixin works at the beginning of the Elix render pipeline:
events ➞ methods → setState → render DOM → post-render
Provides the component with:
property that returnstrue
. This is used by ShadowTemplateMixin to determine whether to specific thedelegatesFocus
option when callingattachShadow
method override. When invoked, the component will forward the focus on to the first focusable element in its shadow tree.
import DelegateFocusMixin from "elix/src/base/DelegateFocusMixin.js";
class MyElement extends DelegateFocusMixin(HTMLElement) {}
The DOM specification defines a standard property on a ShadowRoot
called delegatesFocus
, which can be specified in the call to attachShadow
. However, as of April 2019, only Chrome supports delegatesFocus
. The DelegateFocusMixin
serves as a polyfill for that property.
If the user's browser supports delegatesFocus
natively, this mixin has no effect.
Used by classes AutoCompleteComboBox, AutoCompleteInput, AutoSizeTextarea, Button, CalendarDayButton, ComboBox, DateComboBox, DateInput, DropdownList, FilterComboBox, HamburgerMenuButton, Input, ListComboBox, ListWithSearch, Menu, MenuButton, NumberSpinBox, PlainArrowDirectionButton, PlainAutoCompleteComboBox, PlainAutoCompleteInput, PlainAutoSizeTextarea, PlainBorderButton, PlainButton, PlainCalendarDayButton, PlainComboBox, PlainDateComboBox, PlainDateInput, PlainDropdownList, PlainFilterComboBox, PlainHamburgerMenuButton, PlainInput, PlainListComboBox, PlainListWithSearch, PlainMenu, PlainMenuButton, PlainNumberSpinBox, PlainPageDot, PlainPopupButton, PlainRepeatButton, PlainSelectableButton, PlainSpinBox, PlainTabButton, PopupButton, RepeatButton, SelectableButton, SpinBox, TabButton, TooltipButton, and WrappedStandardElement.
delegates Focus property
Returns true if the component is delegating its focus.
A component using DelegateFocusMixin
will always have this property be
true unless a class takes measures to override it.
Type: boolean
Default: true