Purpose: maps element attributes to component properties.
This mixin works at the beginning of the Elix render pipeline:
events ➞ methods → setState → render DOM → post-render
Expects the component to provide:
- Property getter/setters for all properties that correspond to attributes.
Provides the component with:
implementation that maps attribute changes to property changes.observedAttributes
implementation that, by default, indicates the component wants to receive attribute change notifications for all attributes corresponding to the component's custom properties.
This mixin's function is so common that it is included in the Elix base class ReactiveElement.
import AttributeMarshallingMixin from "elix/src/core/AttributeMarshallingMixin.js";
class MyElement extends AttributeMarshallingMixin(HTMLElement) {}
This sample component defines a custom fooBar
property, then exposes it as a "foo-bar" attribute:
const fooBarSymbol = Symbol("fooBar");
class MyElement extends AttributeMarshallingMixin(HTMLElement) {
get fooBar() {
return this[fooBarSymbol];
set fooBar(value) {
this[fooBarSymbol] = value;
customElements.define("my-element", MyElement);
Because the component applies AttributeMarshallingMixin
, the camelCase fooBar
property can be set in markup via the hyphenated "foo-bar" attribute:
<my-element foo-bar="Hello"></my-element>
When this element is instantiated, the fooBar
property setter will automatically be invoked with the initial value "Hello".
This mixin provides a default attributeChangedCallback
implementation that will convert a change in an element attribute into a call to the corresponding property setter.
Attributes typically follow hyphenated names ("foo-bar"), whereas properties typically use camelCase names ("fooBar"). This mixin respects that convention, automatically mapping the hyphenated attribute name to the corresponding camelCase property name and invoking the indicated property setter.
Attributes can only have string values, so a string value is what is passed to the property setter. If you'd like to convert string attributes to other types (numbers, booleans), you must implement parsing yourself in the property setter. For example, the following code implements a Boolean property that can be set as either: a) a Boolean value or b) a string representing a Boolean value:
get foo() {
return this[internal.state].foo;
set foo(foo) {
const parsed = String(foo) === 'true'; // Cast to Boolean
this[internal.setState]({ foo: parsed });
provides a default implementation of the static observedAttributes
property. When you register your component with the browser, the browser will get the value of this observedAttributes
property to determine which attributes the component wishes to monitor for changes. Changes in those attributes will trigger an attributeChangedCallback
Because maintaining the mapping of attributes to properties is tedious, AttributeMarshallingMixin
provides a default implementation for observedAttributes
. This implementation assumes that your component will want to expose all public properties in your component's API as properties. E.g., in the above example, the component defines a camelCase property called fooBar
, so the default value of observedAttributes
will automatically include an entry for the kebab-case attribute name, "foo-bar".
You can override this default implementation of observedAttributes
. For example, if you have a system that can statically analyze which properties are available to your component, you could hand-author or programmatically generate a definition for observedAttributes
that avoids the minor run-time performance cost of determining your component's public properties.
Used by classes AlertDialog, AutoCompleteComboBox, AutoCompleteInput, AutoSizeTextarea, Backdrop, Button, CalendarDay, CalendarDayButton, CalendarDayNamesHeader, CalendarDays, CalendarMonth, CalendarMonthNavigator, CalendarMonthYearHeader, Carousel, CarouselSlideshow, CarouselWithThumbnails, CenteredStrip, CheckListItem, ComboBox, CrossfadeStage, DateComboBox, DateInput, Dialog, Drawer, DrawerWithGrip, DropdownList, ExpandablePanel, ExpandableSection, Explorer, FilterComboBox, FilterListBox, HamburgerMenuButton, Hidden, Input, ListBox, ListComboBox, ListExplorer, ListWithSearch, Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuSeparator, ModalBackdrop, Modes, MultiSelectListBox, NumberSpinBox, Option, OptionList, Overlay, OverlayFrame, PlainAlertDialog, PlainArrowDirectionButton, PlainAutoCompleteComboBox, PlainAutoCompleteInput, PlainAutoSizeTextarea, PlainBackdrop, PlainBorderButton, PlainButton, PlainCalendarDay, PlainCalendarDayButton, PlainCalendarDayNamesHeader, PlainCalendarDays, PlainCalendarMonth, PlainCalendarMonthNavigator, PlainCalendarMonthYearHeader, PlainCarousel, PlainCarouselSlideshow, PlainCarouselWithThumbnails, PlainCenteredStrip, PlainCenteredStripHighlight, PlainCenteredStripOpacity, PlainChoice, PlainComboBox, PlainCrossfadeStage, PlainDateComboBox, PlainDateInput, PlainDialog, PlainDrawer, PlainDrawerWithGrip, PlainDropdownList, PlainExpandablePanel, PlainExpandableSection, PlainExpandCollapseToggle, PlainExplorer, PlainFilterComboBox, PlainFilterListBox, PlainHamburgerMenuButton, PlainHidden, PlainInput, PlainListBox, PlainListComboBox, PlainListExplorer, PlainListWithSearch, PlainMenu, PlainMenuButton, PlainMenuItem, PlainMenuSeparator, PlainModalBackdrop, PlainModes, PlainMultiSelectListBox, PlainNumberSpinBox, PlainOptionList, PlainOverlay, PlainOverlayFrame, PlainPageDot, PlainPopup, PlainPopupButton, PlainPopupSource, PlainProgressSpinner, PlainPullToRefresh, PlainRepeatButton, PlainSelectableButton, PlainSlideshow, PlainSlideshowWithPlayControls, PlainSlidingPages, PlainSlidingStage, PlainSpinBox, PlainTabButton, PlainTabs, PlainTabStrip, PlainToast, Popup, PopupButton, PopupSource, ProgressSpinner, PullToRefresh, ReactiveElement, RepeatButton, SelectableButton, Slideshow, SlideshowWithPlayControls, SlidingPages, SlidingStage, SpinBox, TabButton, Tabs, TabStrip, Toast, TooltipButton, UpDownToggle, and WrappedStandardElement.
boolean Attribute Value(name, value) static method
Given a string value for a named boolean attribute, return true
if the
value is either: a) the empty string, or b) a case-insensitive match for the
This is native HTML behavior; see the MDN documentation on boolean attributes for the reasoning.
Given a null value, this return false
Given a boolean value, this return the value as is.
- name:
– - value: